Jennifer Masters, MA, MS, RVT, KPA CTP
Dogs leave me in awe constantly. The dog-human connection fascinates me. Training with dogs lights me up inside! There is no better connection in life than that between a dog and their person in sync. Teaching others to train with their dogs is an honor. Watching the person open up to seeing the potential in their dog is the purpose.
I have committed my life to dogs. I study dogs through self-directed learning and through formal educational programs.
I have attended three schools for dog trainers and completed numerous continuing education opportunities about dog training and behavior over the years.
I have been a credentialed veterinary technician for over 23 years.
I completed a BS in Business Administration with the sole focus of opening a dog training business.
I completed a MA in Applied Psychology to be able to better help the human side of the leash!
I recently completed an MS in Adult Learning and Leadership to learn how to create dog training programs and curriculum that benefit not only the dog, but their humans, also!
My commitment to dogs and their people is that I will continue to increase my knowledgebase so I can provide them with access to the best dog training and behavior education possible. I will also share my own perspective on dogs and the lives we share with them.
Above all else, my best teachers have been dogs, mine and others. I have learned so much while training with dogs. How to focus and give my full attention to another as the dog gives theirs back, that is the essence of the dog-human connection. When two beings are training together and communication is flowing subtly, there is true magic in those moments. Also, in the day to day of our life together when time seems to stand still I become open to the lessons they have to teach. Lessons of how to listen to others and how to just be together. Our relationships with our dogs is about togetherness, whether training with our dogs or about simply being with our dogs. Our time together might be fleeting, but it is oh so precious. Dogs taught me these things and so much more. I am filled with so much gratitude for dogs and the lessons they so willing offer to teach me.
I hope you join me on learning about and with dogs!